Puppy Care
What You Will Need For Your Puppy Before Bringing Them Home

Crate: We recommend a crate with a removable divider so the crate can be adjusted as your puppy grows.
Durable dog bed or liner for crate.
Collar: Begin with an adjustable collar to grow with your puppy. Most of our puppies begin with a small or x-small for mini's. We recommend any type of collar with a flat buckle to prevent it from getting hung up on things. We additionally prefer personalized collars with you dogs name and your phone number versus an ID tag that can fall off or get hung in things.
Leash: We recommend a basic flat nylon leash to start. Retractable leashes are not ideal for puppies as they do not provide the control needed for training or keeping your puppy safe.
Dog Shampoo: Any shampoo formulated for dogs
Dog Comb and Brush: Any basic brush and comb for dogs (Your groomer can guide you to any specialty brushes they specifically recommend for your puppy).
Puppy Food: Our puppies are started on Whole Hearted Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Puppy Formula and will come home with a starter bag of this food. To prevent upset stomachs if you want to switch to a different brand, gradually mix the food we provide with the new food over time.
Treats: Treats are essential for training. To avoid your puppy filling up on treats during training, or developing an upset stomach, find the smallest treats possible and use them sparingly.
Toys: Puppies have a strong urge to chew, so chew toys are critical for redirecting them from inappropriate items. Avoid rope toys, as puppies may shred and swallow pieces, possibly causing gastrointestinal blockages. Use caution with stuffed toys too, as puppies often destroy and ingest them, leading to upset stomachs. Kong and Tuffy's brand chew toys have worked well for our dogs, providing durable and safe chewing options.
Chew Treats: To keep your puppy busy chewing, opt for natural bones like deer antlers and pigs ears. However, avoid giving rawhides or any cooked bones, which carry risks of gastrointestinal upset and digestive problems.

Taking Your Puppy Home
At 8 weeks old, your puppy will be ready to take home. We will schedule a pickup time so we can spend focused time reviewing important information and answering your questions.
The Big Day!
The big day you've been eagerly anticipating is finally here! Today's the day you get to bring your new furry baby home. We know you're excited, so here are some key do's and don'ts to remember in your excitement.
Items you might need for your trip:
To ensure a smooth and stress-free trip home with your new puppy, pack a few essentials based on the length of your journey. Proper preparation will make the trip less traumatic for you both by keeping your puppy comfortable and calm. Consider bringing:
Blanket or Dog Car seat/Bed
Travel Water Bottle
Travel Bowl
Puppy pee pads
Paper Towels
Bring a household member with you
When picking up your new puppy, we recommend bringing someone who can hold the puppy on their lap during the drive home. Having a familiar lap to sit on will comfort your puppy, who will be anxious without littermates in an unfamiliar environment. Keeping the puppy close will help ease the transition to his or her new home.
Protecting your puppy from Canine Parvovirus
Puppies who are not fully vaccinated remain vulnerable to canine parvovirus (CPV/CPV2), an extremely contagious and often fatal virus that primarily strikes dogs. Taking proper precautions will help keep your puppy and their littermates healthy and safe from this devastating disease.
To reduce your puppy's risk of parvovirus infection:
Avoid visiting kennels, dog parks, pet stores, or other breeders on the day you pick up your new pup.
Use hand sanitizer before handling your puppy.
Avoid stopping at "high traffic" dog areas, like rest stops and dog parks, on your journey home.
If your trip will last more than 2 hours and your puppy needs a potty break, stop in a parking lot and place a pee pad in a secluded area, avoiding the grass where puppy could be exposed to disease.
When you go to your veterinarian, carry your puppy in and place him/her on the table; don't let them walk across the waiting area floor where a sick dog could have been.
Avoid high risk areas such as parks, pet stores, or neighborhood walks until your puppy is fully vaccinated (~16 weeks)